7-Plus Basic Food Storage Plan

Population Equivalent Calculation
NameAgeGenderPopulation Equivalent
Total Population Equivalent0.00
Food Storage Plan Estimate for 1 Year
Food* Quantity per PersonFormulaTotal
Grains (wheat, rice, corn)375 lbs.
Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)60 lbs.
Sugar65 lbs.
Milk, nonfat dry60 lbs.
Oil (1 gallon of cooking oil = 7.5 lb)21 lbs.
Salt (table, pickling & canning)10 lbs.
Multi-vitamins with minerals365
Leavening agents, yeast, spices and herbs, and flavorings1 lb. baking powder
1 lb. backing soda
3/4 lb. yeast
* Based on 2600 calories per day.

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