Crisis Preparedness

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Now Is the Best Time to Add Dried Fruit to Your Storage

Drying fruits is an ancient practice and has been perfected by modern techniques. Dried fruits have a portion of the water content removed through dehydration or freeze-drying. Commercially dried fruit range from soft and pliable to crisp and snappish. In freeze-drying food is frozen and then water is removed by turning the frozen ice crystals into vapor. The product retains its shape and is porous, allowing it to be easily reconstituted.

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Make It Easy! You Only Need Four Cleaning Products

Cleaning products have always been a mystery to me with way too many options to choose from. It turns out that there are just four basic types of cleaning products that take care of most cleaning jobs: a pH-neutral cleaner, a degreaser, an alcohol-based glass cleaner, and a disinfectant.

The challenge this week is to, first, inventory your cleaning products. Take note of the cleaners that are in low supply. Next, complete one of the two challenge options.

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Now’s the Time to Add Amazing Mixes to Your Preps

This week the preparedness challenge is to add baking mixes—muffin mixes, cake mixes, brownie mixes, cookie mixes, biscuit mixes, etc. to your food storage. These mixes can be purchased or prepared from scratch and can add variety to a preparedness food storage plan. Baking mixes are a convenience that can make preparing food simpler, a welcome benefit in an emergency.

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Canned Fruit

Time to Add Canned Fruits to Your Food Storage

Canned fruit is an easy food to store and convenient in an emergency. It requires no more than a can opener to have ready-to-eat food. Typical canned fruits include applesauce, peaches, pears, apricots, cherries, plums, pineapple, mandarin oranges, and many varieties of berries. Watch for them when they are on sale and stock up.

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What Can You Do to Protect Yourself in a Fuel Crisis?

Clearly, among other things, we have a fuel crisis in June 2022, and you are probably frustrated paying so much for fuel right now. Higher prices may signal that a fuel shortage is coming. How can you protect yourself if there is a fuel shortage and it’s hard to get fuel. There are a couple of things you can do. Make a habit of keeping your gas tank at least half full. When the gauge starts getting close to the half way mark, start planning your next fuel purchase. Second, store extra fuel.

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