Make Sure You Can Cook Food in an Emergency!
If you have stored food for an emergency, you will also need a way to cook it. If the power goes out or natural gas is unavailable, what will you do to cook food? Preparedness
If you have stored food for an emergency, you will also need a way to cook it. If the power goes out or natural gas is unavailable, what will you do to cook food? Preparedness
This is the perfect time to order seeds for planting in this spring’s vegetable garden! It is also a good time to think about those seeds that are best for a crisis. You may have noticed that for the last two years some of your favorite garden seeds were out of stock early—so don’t delay! If growing a garden is something you have on your list of things to do this spring, now is a good time to make sure you have all the seeds and supplies you need.
This week I experimented with different brands of pectin. I made three batches of strawberry freezer jam using three different pectin brands: MCP, Certo, and Sure-Jell
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